Monday, May 7, 2012

Rejoice! It's result time!

My nail art contest was a huge success! I have almost 8,000 views and I'm now up to 69 followers! (heh.) Immaturity aside, I am so thankful! I love you guys, and sponsoring this has been a blast. 

Now here's the moment you've all been waiting for! The results! I won't make you wait any longer, so here we go!

The winner of the random drawing is Francine of The Polished Mommy!

How cute are those?! And I think they exemplify her blog name perfectly! On top of being adorable, they're also fuzzy! I need to get my hands on some flocking powder. 

The second winner, by means of vote, is Georgeois Pig of The Gorgeois!

If you follow Georgeois at all, you may notice she has a knack of winning nail art challenges. Not only is she an amazing nail artist, but she is so creative! She seems to put a spin on things that'll leave you thinking "man,  why didn't I come up with that?!" These little chompers crack me up!

There was so much talent and competition, it was difficult choosing a first place winner. Another contender really stood out to me and it was a near draw. So, on a whim, I'm naming a runner up, and they will receive a bottle of polish! 

Runner up is Missy of Gnarly Gnails!

The reason I'm posting the results today instead yesterday, as promised, is because I wanted to reveal the prizes to everyone, as well as the winners. Sadly, I haven't finished collecting all of the prizes yet, I'm just missing one more thing. But I promise to photograph it all for you guys before I send them out. 

If you lovely ladies would just email me at in the next 48 hours, you can claim your prizes!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Avengers Assemble!

So, I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit nerdy. I think most of it just radiates from my boyfriend, and because I am in such close proximity all the time, I have happened to catch it. One of our shared loves is Marvel (and Batman, but that's it for DC) so opening night of Avengers was a pretty big deal to us. 
He and I drove two hours to attend an Ultimate Marvel Marathon, where AMC played all five Avengers related movies before premiering the movie at midnight. The event started at 11:00am and ended around 2:30am when the midnight showing got out. It was probably five o'clock when we got home and got to bed.
I'm tired today, but it sure was worth it.

To compliment this amazing movie marathon, I, of course, had to paint my nails. 
I chose Cap and his shield as my inspiration. 

I used China Glaze Frostbite and Ruby Pumps with an Art Deco striper for the white. Shown with and without flash, respectively. 

So, what about you? Any Marvel fans out there see the midnight premiere? Any non-US fans see it last week? What did you think?

Sometime this weekend, I'll be posting the results of my nail art contest, so keep an eye out!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Savage Fairy Dust

I think every lacquerista can attest - glitter is the easiest and quickest form of nail art. 
If you're in a bind for time and your nails are looking blah, glitter it up! 
Last night, I was feeling pretty tired, but I didn't want to go to bed with naked nails, so I threw this look together. I had been dying to try some of my new polishes anyway.

Click the pictures to enlarge them and see all that shiny goodness.

The teal is Sinful Colors Savage - one of my 99 cent Walgreens purchases - and the glitter is China Glaze Fairy Dust. Not only is the pairing beautiful, but it was also fast, cheap, and easy - just how I like my women. Wait, what?

Now, I certainly wouldn't call Savage a neon, but it must have some neon pigment in there somewhere, because it dried matte. I love little surprises like that. The formula was great - not streaky or overly thick - and it dried really quickly. 

Here's a mandatory out-of-focus holo shot.

And then, to bring Savage back to its original state, I added Hard Candy Matte-ly in love. 

I was a little bummed that it turned Fairy Dust into ordinary silver glitter, but I can't say I didn't expect it. I do really think this goes to show just how nice Savage is, though.

Check back in over the weekend to see the results of my nail art contest and the prizes each winner will be receiving!